II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Kaliszu
ul. Szkolna 5, 62-800 Kalisz
Telefon: (62) 767 66 57
Email: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
Inspektor ochrony danych:
Katarzyna Bednarek
3. IB DP Year 1
4. IB DP Year 2
5. School Documents
6. CAS
a. CAS Handbook
Od roku 2014 w naszej szkole prowadzimy oddziały międzynarodowe. Przed uczniem takiej klasy otwierają się nowe możliwości:
- Informacja o programie (>>zobacz<<)
- Prezentacja o IB (>>zobacz<<)
Oferta edukacyjna na rok szkolny 2024/2025 (>>zobacz<<)
Terminarz rekrutacji (>>zobacz<<)
Warto być u nas bo:
The styles below are used by appending a class to a tag.
This is an image with the class "border_img"
Enter class name to img tag <img class="border_img" />
Default list example
This is a list with the class "linked"
Enter class name to ul tag <ul class="linked" />
This is a list with the class "special"
Enter class name to ul tag <ul class="special" />
This is a read more link with the class "readon"
Enter class name to a tag <a class="readon" />
this is a paragraph with the class "orange"
<p class="orange" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "green"
<p class="green" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "lightblue"
<p class="lightblue" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "lightred"
<p class="lightred" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "quote"
<p class="quote" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "greenfill"
<p class="greenfill" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "bluefill"
<p class="bluefill" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "redfill"
<p class="redfill" > Text goes here</p>
This template provides some backend parameters for convenient template management. Navigate Extensions->Template Manager and click on the proper template name to set up template parameters.
The suffixes for bottom modules are connected with modules' height. It's very useful if you would like to make your modules' background height the same.
You just have to put a suffix at a module configuration to get the specified module height. See here the screenshot:
_mod320 means that your module will be of 320 pixels high.
Here you can find lots of information about template features.