II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Kaliszu
ul. Szkolna 5, 62-800 Kalisz
Telefon: (62) 767 66 57
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Inspektor ochrony danych:
Katarzyna Bednarek
3. IB DP Year 1
4. IB DP Year 2
5. School Documents
6. CAS
a. CAS Handbook
Od roku 2014 w naszej szkole prowadzimy oddziały międzynarodowe. Przed uczniem takiej klasy otwierają się nowe możliwości:
- Informacja o programie (>>zobacz<<)
- Prezentacja o IB (>>zobacz<<)
Oferta edukacyjna na rok szkolny 2024/2025 (>>zobacz<<)
Terminarz rekrutacji (>>zobacz<<)
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This is an image with the class "border_img"
Enter class name to img tag <img class="border_img" />
Default list example
This is a list with the class "linked"
Enter class name to ul tag <ul class="linked" />
This is a list with the class "special"
Enter class name to ul tag <ul class="special" />
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Enter class name to a tag <a class="readon" />
this is a paragraph with the class "orange"
<p class="orange" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "green"
<p class="green" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "lightblue"
<p class="lightblue" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "lightred"
<p class="lightred" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "quote"
<p class="quote" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "greenfill"
<p class="greenfill" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "bluefill"
<p class="bluefill" > Text goes here</p>
this is a paragraph with the class "redfill"
<p class="redfill" > Text goes here</p>